Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Paranormal Edinburgh

If you are a Ghost Buster, then I suppose you probably need to be seen by a specialist; however, for all you ghost hunters or researchers looking to establish the existence of departed souls on the other side, Edinburgh is a gateway to one of the main places where there have been regular reports of paranormal activities for hundreds of years.

Underneath a section of the city are a series of chambers formed within the nineteen arches of the South Bridge. It was completed in 1788 and for around thirty years the tunnels were used to house taverns, cobblers and other tradesmen. It was also used to store illicit goods, which apparently also included victims of the serial killers Burke and Hare who used them for medical experiments.

The conditions in the vault gradually deteriorated due to poor air circulation and damp, forcing businesses to move out. The vaults were then reoccupied by the poorest of the city’s dwellers, however by around 1820, even they moved out of the damp, squalid and disease-ridden spaces beneath the city.

Incredibly enough evidence of people living in them were only discovered in 1985 during and excavation. Middens were found containing medicine bottles, toys, plates and other evidence of humans living in them.

Reports of paranormal activity and ghosts sightings have been common over the years and there have been a number of TV based investigative documentaries such as Most Haunted and Ghost Adventures. One notable programme in the vaults occurred in 2009 during a BBC TV production. It was a one-off documentary which featured Joe Walsh. He was brave or mad enough, depending on whether you are superstitious or not, to sleep on his own in the vaults overnight with recording equipment.

Although he claimed not to have heard anything. Recordings later revealed some unexplained voices. One voice in particular and quite distinct was of a priest reciting the Last Rites. The voices were audible on the tape for about twenty minutes before ending abruptly just after what appeared to be the sound of children yelling.

If you are staying near Edinburgh Castle such as the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, the castle and the areas surrounding it is also supposed to attract paranormal activity. However if you are looking for a luxury Edinburgh hotel, there are plenty to choose from

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