At the ripe age of 36, you begin to realize that your body is not what it used to be, or even capable of activities that were easily achieved in one's youth. For many, this idea is more than they can handle. I am also one of those individuals, since I have been very active my entire life. I used to run marathons, swim multiple times during the week, and even rock climb when the opportunity presented itself. While I still try to climb as much as possible, the effects of such an exhaustive sport can leave me with a severe amount of muscle pain for a number of days afterwards.
My wife is always telling me that I need to slow down one of these days, but I refuse to take her advice. It seems as though once you give up something that you love that keeps you physical, you fall into a rut. I have seen it time and time again with family members, friends, and the general public. I refuse to be such an individual. This came evident to my wife on a recent trip to Sardinia. I was unaware of the vast amount of rock climbing opportunities that Sardinia had, until I ran into some local climbers. They assured me that Sardinia was one of the best spots in the Mediterranean for this sport. Feeling as though I should at least attempt it, I approached my wife at our hotel doubletree olbia. Needless to say, she was not that impressed with the idea of me leaving the hilton hotel sardinia to partake in such a dangerous activity, but she eventually came around to see it my way. In the end, I am very glad that I had that opportunity. I made some very good friends out of the trip and now have a new appreciation for life. It just goes to show you that these opportunities are out there, you just have to tackle them head on.
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